Thursday, December 25, 2008

There has to be a Beginning

Looking back on my first blog, the one I started in college, made me realise a few things. I was honest in it. That's what I want this to be. I don't give a fuck who reads it. I just want to be able to type my thoughts, post my pictures, publish my poems, and get it out there. For all out there, I'm random and partially ADD/ADHD, add a few more D's.

Events: Bush is the president, Obama is the elect, I'm in the Marine Corps ("getting my education"), I'm in Al Asad, Iraq.

I've never written many things in a particular year, but I think that my writing has improved and for some reason I've written much more this year.

Personal: Meghan and I broke up. For fuck knows what reason. Mutual decision, I proposed the idea, I don't know. It happened. Regretting the decision ever since. It has been officially one month and two days.

Mood: Bored.

Work was going slow and just picked up for a few installs. What I do? You know the guy that fixes your computer, maps the company printer to your machine and gets your email to work? That's basically me. In Iraq, supporting 20,000 people. Instead of emailing your IT guy, you call up the helpdesk, tell them what's up. The helpdesk forms a Trouble Ticket with your information and forwards them onto us. Best one hands down: the officer deletes an email. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Yes. Then goes into the deleted items and deletes it the second time "are you sure you want to do this?" Yes. Now he wants his email back. As if the two warnings weren't good enough.

Songs for the moment:
Motion City Soundtrack - L.G. Fuad
Rogue Wave - Eyes
The Offspring - Want You Bad

When you think of the military, what do you think of? Usually big guys with big upper bodies. Wanna inform you, support sections are not like that all. I wouldn't know for crunchies, ground walkers, 0311 (in the Marines), the basic rifleman, infantry. Regardless, mostly guys, right? Then why in the hell do the kind people at home who send care packages send so much femine products? I'm sorry, I love the packages, thank you for supporting us and beggers can't be choosers. But I have to bitch. 1) I like my certain products. I'm not about to change from Old Spice deoderant to something else. If I were a woman I'm sure I'd have certain brands I perferred. I don't think that the Cosco tampon is the one for me. I haven't seen a single female see the tampons that get sent and run and scream "Yay!! I'm out." Then there's me, the guy that I am. What am I supposed to do with a tampon? Plug a bullet wound? I've only shot my rifle once since being out here. I'm not street combat here. 2) Baby wipes are usefull, very. Cleaning desks, phones that everyone touch, cleaning the dust off of sills (the dust that never ends), cleaning your rifle. Baby oil is not usefull, at all. Why was that sent? I'm not massaging the other Lance Corporals in the shop. I can't think of a single good use for baby oil.

And so it begins. I'm me, Matthew Joseph Miller, XXX-XX-0103. Currently a Lance Corporal (E-3) in the United States Marine Corps. And I'm a computer dork.

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