Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Stuff and Things

I think the writer I liked the most growing up was Shel Silverstein. He was so inventive and creative with everything he did. I could always picture myself in that place, or doing that thing, or imagining what he was portraying. My favorite poem, hands down, is Stupid Pencil Maker.
Stupid Pencil Maker

Some dummy built this pencil wrong,
The eraser's down here where the point belongs,
And the point's at the top - so it's no good to me,
It's amazing how stupid some people can be.
-Shel Silverstein

I like it. Simple and to the point. Pencils have points. I never really followed his style, just enjoyed it and was inspired by it. I don't know how I would characterize my poems into a genre. All of them are just all over the place.

Song I can't get outta my head: Physical - Olivia Newton-John.
I wonder how she feels. Her "edgy" and "provocative" song is now a work out video song. You know her song was banned from some radio stations? Fact. Research that shit.

I kinda need to keep this post short, more next time. I've got some running back in NCAA 08 to kill. 6 minutes left in the 4th quarter. Accomplishment I want: beat 406 yards running. I had about 40 left. He decides to hurt his foot and go out for the rest of the game. Pissed me the hell off.

Going back to San Diego is exciting. I love the city life. I like having options for what I do each day. First purchase when I get back, a freebord. San Diego has such great hills for this. Disappointing is going to be the fact that Evan will not be as close to hang out and go snowboarding with. He switched to Michigan State.

Going back to Grosse Pointe is... meh. Seriously. I don't know how excited I should be. Going home to see an ex-grilfriend and get drunk with some best friends. That and visit with my family, that you know what, I really don't need to be around very much. It was probably the best decision I made to get out of that house. I can't believe my sister is still suffering there. I don't even like staying there on visits.

Oh the places you will go and the pencils that won't work.

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