Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Countdown to ...

Let me review real quick. Yep, I have never kissed a girl on the 0 mark for the countdown to a new year. That sucks. Not that I can here in Iraq, but it would be nice to be near some female that is worth kissing at the 0 mark. Maybe next year.

2008 was eventful. I look forward to a better year in 2009.

Enjoy the new year.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Stuff and Things

I think the writer I liked the most growing up was Shel Silverstein. He was so inventive and creative with everything he did. I could always picture myself in that place, or doing that thing, or imagining what he was portraying. My favorite poem, hands down, is Stupid Pencil Maker.
Stupid Pencil Maker

Some dummy built this pencil wrong,
The eraser's down here where the point belongs,
And the point's at the top - so it's no good to me,
It's amazing how stupid some people can be.
-Shel Silverstein

I like it. Simple and to the point. Pencils have points. I never really followed his style, just enjoyed it and was inspired by it. I don't know how I would characterize my poems into a genre. All of them are just all over the place.

Song I can't get outta my head: Physical - Olivia Newton-John.
I wonder how she feels. Her "edgy" and "provocative" song is now a work out video song. You know her song was banned from some radio stations? Fact. Research that shit.

I kinda need to keep this post short, more next time. I've got some running back in NCAA 08 to kill. 6 minutes left in the 4th quarter. Accomplishment I want: beat 406 yards running. I had about 40 left. He decides to hurt his foot and go out for the rest of the game. Pissed me the hell off.

Going back to San Diego is exciting. I love the city life. I like having options for what I do each day. First purchase when I get back, a freebord. San Diego has such great hills for this. Disappointing is going to be the fact that Evan will not be as close to hang out and go snowboarding with. He switched to Michigan State.

Going back to Grosse Pointe is... meh. Seriously. I don't know how excited I should be. Going home to see an ex-grilfriend and get drunk with some best friends. That and visit with my family, that you know what, I really don't need to be around very much. It was probably the best decision I made to get out of that house. I can't believe my sister is still suffering there. I don't even like staying there on visits.

Oh the places you will go and the pencils that won't work.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Continuum

I've tried and tried but I can't seem to make a poetic series. This is my favorite for a continued poem. I had a few lines, but I just haven't gotten it to work yet.

Butterfly Kisses Too
The light through the shades
Freckled specks across her body
Blankets pushed to the bed base
Night stand displays a King James edition
Her drawings across the room, miscellaneous
Pillow resting her breasts covered by an arm
Tracing her side down curving up those hips
Big, bright, blue eyes open slowly
Jenna rolls over focused on her lover.

Jimmy wakes to a butterfly kiss
He stretches his defined arms
Lays one over Jenna and pulls
Pressing his bare chest against her breasts
Curling his leg into and through hers
A journal leafs down on the floor, pen too
A world of love, hate, and gray between
A window into the maze of his scattered mind
Inseparable the two walk this world.

I liked it and I hope you do too. We'll see what I get from there.

I got a tattoo last year. I really liked it. I drew it out (see right) and brought the idea to the artist. As mentioned before I tend to be a little ADD so my decision on something permenant is a ten month process. The drawing has to be finalized and I can't have any doubt in my mind. Also, the drawing has to have meaning to it. This one has a lot of meaning to me. I'll get it over with now. Funny enough to think I never really told anyone why, but I'll save some. What do barbed wire and a domino have to do with each other at all? They really don't, but you can't tell me that doesn't look saweet? Domino: 5-blank. A blank-blank is also known as the Jokerbone. I like to think of myself as a smartass, or a joker. I was born in May (the fifth month), at 12:05 (another convenient five). May begins as Taurus and ends as Gemini. I am a Gemini. Gemini is the twins (sometimes thought of as split personality) and like that I have the twin barbed wire. Two, the duality of life. Good and bad, right and wrong, light and dark. Wanna know something about five and two in mathematics? They're prime numbers. That's enough for now.

Song to listen to: April 29 1992 - Sublime
Let it burn, wanna let it burn.

I tell you about the tattoo I have because my friend Rob and I put our thick heads together to think "outside-the-box" to get my design together for a possible next one. Now I just need to wait about ten months.

Enjoy the holiday times. Wish I was in my hometown of Grosse Pointe to enjoy it with friends and family. Regardless, things are pretty chill at work and the Sgt's have been trying to get everyone some time off. Example: today I got off at 1 and am able to watch Invincible for the second time, relax and put a post up for my blog. EVENTFULL!!! ha HA! Seriously though, it is pretty warrented time off. Don't get your panties in a bunch. When was the last time you worked twelve hours straight, seven days a week for seven months? No weekends. It wears you out pretty quickly.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Steak and a Blow Job

The calling between a man and a woman is unique. If you want to be a dick about it I'm sure between a man and a man or a woman and a woman is unique too. The relationship factor though, I have never seen two that are identical. Hmm, now that's a special bond for two people. There are some factors that may be similar. John dates Jane, Jane meets Jack and Jane and Jack live happily ever after until John comes in wearing a Santa outfit and kills Jane and Jack. Cheating is one of those factors that may be similar. Long distance relationships not working; have you ever seen one work, probably rarely if at all. Jane cheats on John and yet they fall happily in love, probably less likely.

So onward to my proposal for a relationship, any: have some pre-arranged agreements. John will have his bank account and Jane keeps hers, or something like that. I have a few arrangements I want in a relationship. I cannot think of every one right now, but three I can remember are sexually oriented.
My arrangements:
First, nothing complex, as men are not complex. Once a year, perhaps on my birthday I could get a steak cooked and a blow job. Don't be offended. Personally, I would much rather have sex as enjoying a blow job is more of a rare occasion for me. However, on my birthday, a day all about me, maybe I could make a simple request and then that time would then, you know, be all about me. Worst comes to worse? It doesn't happen. My reaction, "Damn, oh well, maybe next year." Best situation is that she would agree. Maybe she would have her own requests. For her I could do a nice dinner date out and cunilingus.

Next, Natalie Portman as my one celebrity excuse fuck. I don't need five, just the one and Natalie is it. Nothing crude here. The likely hood is slim and if I got to meet her she could always say no. Natalie, if you're reading this: I'm not some crazy fan stalker, I haven't even seen your every film, but I still choose you. Perhaps it's cause the hottest scene you ever did was when you were strutting your stuff down a New York sidewalk in Closer. I respect that you're a smart girl and accept good roles (Harvard and turning down rolls for ones you like better). Say "yes"?

Last, free rights to videos. Simple again. I am a male. Men like porn. I like porn. Don't get me wrong here. I have never turned down spending time for a woman for the videos, nor do I think it has ever effect my relationships. Let's just use and example to explain: let's say you take a girls night out and I do a guys night out. My friends bail on me and you go out. Being the dork I am I would probably crack open a beer and sit in front of the computer and spend some quality me time. So please, don't question the pr0n, it will be on a harddrive somewhere and I do not intend to hide it very well. Look if you'd like, but please don't judge me. I'm not watching the stuff for the plot.

Enough of that, I've said enough. "Who wants to be a millionaire?" Who wants to be inside my head for a day? Now that's a thought, try it once. This one is part of the insanity in my mind:

Sitting surrounded by pressing walls of agony,
Staring at the cinders, rectangular and entrapping.
Crawling away from the ticks that move in the porous gaps.
Screaming at Lucifer who's bolted to the ceiling.
He's glaring at me pitching darkness attached at my feet.
I run, run, run in circles and the darkness remains,
Run into the wall where the ticks cover me and bubble,
Filled with blood like an erection, thousands on my body.
Crying in pain to the zombie in a guards uniform.
"Help me" I yell and he opens his mouth,
Sprewing forth roaches as he falls back turning green.
I reach my arms through the ice cold bars,
My skin freezes and the ticks go limp.
A stinging pain as a spider bites into my forearm.
Darkness clouds my vision, falling, falling backwards.
Murmured communicating coming in slow.
No movement, the feel of the straps taut on my arms.
Legs hooked in and another around my chest.
My eyes unfog and I gather my surroundings,
The white brick walls and bright lights of the asylum.

No I have never been in an asylum or had any time in a prison or anything of the sort. Hell I've never even been caught, well my parents busted me smoking pot and the cops got me on several 5-over speeding tickets and one ticket for not stopping at a stop sign. Quick story. I'm dating Nicole at the time and driving along and we reach the corner of Chalfonte and Champine. I see no purpose for that stop sign and I look over at Nicole and say, "I hate this stop sign" and proceeded to roll it, glancing left and seeing the cop parked on Champine. Wow I'm retarded. Back to the point. The mind can be a prison, a maze and a hell.

Flaws: This could be one of the best attraction methods. Here me out. I had a friend in college who snorted when she laughed really hard, it was cute. So I wanted to do it often to see it more often. It's not just me either. I've discussed this further with other male friends of mine and I will discuss it further with you another time. Briefly, watch "Good Luck Chuck" and tell me Jessica Alba isn't cute for her flaws.
Right now, I need a steak and a blow job, check that. Right now just a shower.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

There has to be a Beginning

Looking back on my first blog, the one I started in college, made me realise a few things. I was honest in it. That's what I want this to be. I don't give a fuck who reads it. I just want to be able to type my thoughts, post my pictures, publish my poems, and get it out there. For all out there, I'm random and partially ADD/ADHD, add a few more D's.

Events: Bush is the president, Obama is the elect, I'm in the Marine Corps ("getting my education"), I'm in Al Asad, Iraq.

I've never written many things in a particular year, but I think that my writing has improved and for some reason I've written much more this year.

Personal: Meghan and I broke up. For fuck knows what reason. Mutual decision, I proposed the idea, I don't know. It happened. Regretting the decision ever since. It has been officially one month and two days.

Mood: Bored.

Work was going slow and just picked up for a few installs. What I do? You know the guy that fixes your computer, maps the company printer to your machine and gets your email to work? That's basically me. In Iraq, supporting 20,000 people. Instead of emailing your IT guy, you call up the helpdesk, tell them what's up. The helpdesk forms a Trouble Ticket with your information and forwards them onto us. Best one hands down: the officer deletes an email. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Yes. Then goes into the deleted items and deletes it the second time "are you sure you want to do this?" Yes. Now he wants his email back. As if the two warnings weren't good enough.

Songs for the moment:
Motion City Soundtrack - L.G. Fuad
Rogue Wave - Eyes
The Offspring - Want You Bad

When you think of the military, what do you think of? Usually big guys with big upper bodies. Wanna inform you, support sections are not like that all. I wouldn't know for crunchies, ground walkers, 0311 (in the Marines), the basic rifleman, infantry. Regardless, mostly guys, right? Then why in the hell do the kind people at home who send care packages send so much femine products? I'm sorry, I love the packages, thank you for supporting us and beggers can't be choosers. But I have to bitch. 1) I like my certain products. I'm not about to change from Old Spice deoderant to something else. If I were a woman I'm sure I'd have certain brands I perferred. I don't think that the Cosco tampon is the one for me. I haven't seen a single female see the tampons that get sent and run and scream "Yay!! I'm out." Then there's me, the guy that I am. What am I supposed to do with a tampon? Plug a bullet wound? I've only shot my rifle once since being out here. I'm not street combat here. 2) Baby wipes are usefull, very. Cleaning desks, phones that everyone touch, cleaning the dust off of sills (the dust that never ends), cleaning your rifle. Baby oil is not usefull, at all. Why was that sent? I'm not massaging the other Lance Corporals in the shop. I can't think of a single good use for baby oil.

And so it begins. I'm me, Matthew Joseph Miller, XXX-XX-0103. Currently a Lance Corporal (E-3) in the United States Marine Corps. And I'm a computer dork.