Monday, January 11, 2010


A usual day for me involves work, booze & video games with my friends and sleep only to wake up and do it all over again. Not that that has changed a whole lot, but some things are different.
1. I like to write in some list or bullet format sometimes
2. I started school again. College for that matter. I'm taking classes that interest me.
3. Evan barely plays video games due to a crappy connection, so my time has been dwindling too.
4. Writing lately has been interesting. The lines aren't flowing in a manner that makes sense or that would be a good poem. It's sketchy...
Example: Tonight felt forced and I came up with "Misunderstanding, it's all just a big - waste of time." Bam, stuck, me going nowhere else with that line. That sucks. Worst part is that it isn't the first time.

I guess I felt that I needed to get that off my chest.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Memories Flood

In whatever way it is done; I'm not sure, but I am convinced memories are not stored in a linear manner. I have found on this trip home that the strangest of recollections pour into my thoughts. I'm not sure how to better explain it than that. I do the simplest of things while I'm home and my mind races to all these different events that have taken place. I was eating an old favorite - Death by Chocolate, and I literally lost myself in thought for the entirety of the bowl of ice cream.

Along the same lines: I get deja vu. A phenomenon where as you do something you feel you have been in that situation before, done that thing and were in that place (or along those lines). I often find this the case. However, I have run into the instances of hmmm... precognition, premonition, whatever you may want to call it, the future sight. I'm not saying I believe in madam fortuna or the likes, or tarot (although I do find astrology interesting), but I have in a manner of saying a sense of a futuristic mentality.
- The reason for posting this is due to the fact that tonight I had a creepy one. I felt the need to post something in the relation to it. Perhaps remind myself: strange thing how memories work.

Read up on it sometime. A memory can really deceive you. You can picture something in a particular way all your life, only to have the fact brought forth and be completely different. The color of a shirt changing from blue to black. The memory of shoes changing from skater style to moccasins. I ramble, and for that I apologize. The best thing to do, find the memory you want to never change and write it down, at that moment take a picture. The best thing for a mind to properly assemble and form a memory is for fact to assist it. You can remember how cold it really was when you see that old picture of your family at the ski resort. How your toes felt like they were going to break off.

Thanks for coming along when you did twenty-ten. What would I do without a new year to start me off right.

Italian Women

Thank god for Italian women. I have had four different Italian women cook for me in just over a month. Thanksgiving I had a sweet meal with my sister's friend who was out in San Diego, Joy. Then I come home for Christmas and these women won't leave me be. My mom is placing her best meals on the table before me. Always trying to make me eat more and more. How did I do it before? I feel fat AND sassy. After Christmas my parents and I make our trip down to visit more family in Maryland and Pennsylvania. Upon arrival in Maryland, my aunt (married into my dad's side) feeds me non-stop the entire time of being there. We continue to Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania and there I have my mom's mom, my grandma, cooking too. HOLY NON-STOP EATING BATMAN!

Not only that, but when I arrived home Evan fed me his mom's famous Christmas cookies and a sangwich that was deli worthy (something that had steak and cheese and deliciousness, with an appetizer, side, entree, and desert of beer).

I could have had more Italian cooking when I was offered tiramisu, but I declined as I had seriously eaten less than an hour ago.

Happenings: Evan, Rob and I are set to make a trip to Nubs Nob and have a board/drink fest of 2010. Should be an awesome time.

Ringing in the New Year: Eventful, to say the least. I might not have had champagne readily available, but we had the champagne of beers (Miller High Life). Plus Rob and I have more hilarity to add to our story collection.

All in all, thank god for Italian women.