Saturday, September 19, 2009

That Time Where The World Is Right

Masturbating... coming. Which ever. That point where you have complete and utter focus on yourself and all of the world's problems are non-existent. I don't care whether you are rubbing one out for stress relieve or because you have some person on your mind or you're having that careless fuck where you have no cares in the world. The point is that you are in zen, in nirvana, in teen spirit... I mean, you're not caring for anything else. There is something important about that point. It brings the world full-circle. The meaning of life becomes that much closer to understanding.

On the other hand, I don't know about you, but on the night where I relieve myself from stress with a self-quickie and the hope to fall asleep promptly, I often run into the restless sleep where I roll around and for some reason my hormones decide to act up and keep me ready, awake, and... well firm. So I toss and turn and try and focus on Rosie O'Donnell to calm my nerves and finally fall asleep. However, then you realize that you are trying to fall asleep to the image of Rosie O'Donnell and that just makes you more aware to the situation that she is the last on on your mind and that whole situation and how bad that is. That's when you toss and turn more. By that point you're, or I'm, not hard any more, but I can't fall asleep due to horror. So what's the solution at that point?

I may be drunk, but this whole post is what I thought of last night when I was contemplating this whole situation after Rosie O'Donnell. It needed to be said.

Maybe tonight the quickie will end in sleep instead of horror.

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