Monday, May 23, 2011


Watching Adjustment Bureau made me laugh about the politcal / dance implications with the relationship background.  It was like looking into a past relationship and getting slapped in the face.  Thanks world.

I'm definitely still writing.  I don't stop, I just don't have anything tweaked just right to put into a document I want to save.  For example, today I worked on a book that I'm determined to finish.  All I did was tweak the writing, no additional chapters or anything.

While laying back I got a flow of lines in my head.  I grabbed my book of poems and wrote the lines down.  From one thought I gathered some feelings about alcohol.  Reasons why I will probably indulge in marijuana again when it's not forbidden to use to the extent it is now.  I re-read what I wrote tonight, and it might explain why I drank a half a handle of whiskey this weekend, keeping a buzz throughout most of the weekend.  What I wrote goes like this:

Access to marijuana without repercussions is not worthwhile.  Therefore I turn to alcohol, which slows the brain from constantly thinking of the hypothetical, imagining the options, and looping the memories.  Alcohol eases the tension, loosens the tongue so that addled, riddled minds forget their place and speak freely.  Alcohol brings sleep, though not restful sleep, still sleep to those of us who toss and turn and cannot close heavy eyelids.  Alcohol prevents addled minds from driving us insane from not only lack of sleep, but the constant process thinking.
I do not know firsthand the effects of other drugs, worse than alcohol or marijuana.  But I do understand the stresses of life that leads us to relieving our minds of their unending processing.  I do not seek counsel, and do plan to slow my constantly thinking mind down.  Therefore, instead of making an ass of myself functioning "just fine", I can do the same thing from the effects of the drug.

Anyway, besides searching for more and more music, I've been trying to expand out from my lifestyle.  I've been in a rut for almost two years now.  A rut I put myself into.  Sweet move Matt.  Tweak my lifestyle time.  Go!