Thursday, October 14, 2010

Once a Marine Always a Marine

The Sergeant I have looked up to the longest passed me along with a quote, "Once a Marine, always a Marine.  So why reenlist?"  Funny as hell, but when you look into reasons people don't reenlist it comes down to some of the stupidest things the Marine Corps could fix.  I read this article, and while long it points out better than I could have ever written the ineffective use of Marines.  Myself, I could never reenlist because I fight tooth and nail for what I want from the military and I put forth more effort back into them.  At each rank I wear I am always told I would make a perfect... the next rank higher.  What do I do?  I listen to people, call people out on bullshit, propose better ways of doing things, and pass on as much knowledge I can to the people that will listen.  Yesterday I was told I should reenlist and become a schoolhouse instructor so that I could pass my knowledge of switching and routing down because the classes I was giving were so helpful and full of information.  Yet, I am the one who is not allowed to deploy and redesign networks in Afghanistan.  I am the one being held back from school and certificates.  Fuck that, I'm out.  You won't see me again after March 18, 2012.

For now, Evan and I are pushing forward with the comic.  I have my hands on Illustrator and Photoshop so now I can actually contribute some decent comics.

This past Saturday I had my friend's wife locked my car keys in her car so that I wouldn't be able to drink and drive.  She's in the right, but that doesn't stop my shenanigans.  Instead I almost broke a teevee, I did break an air-zooka, I killed a half a handle of rum, I taught people a new drinking game, I finished a half a case and the rest of the night hasn't been told to me.

Lately I've been burning the candle at both ends with work and my life away from the digital uniform.  5:30 every day for pt (which I don't participate in due to my shoulder surgery), getting of work at 7:30 (on Tuesday), 7:00 (on Wednesday) and finally at 4:30 (today).  I then proceed to stay up until at the very least 11, if not 2.  I think I made up for it two weeks ago when I slept for 17 hours on the weekend.