Sunday, October 4, 2009

Do a Barrel Roll

Although these words may be slightly synonomous follow me on their different conotations. I feel that I have this mindset where I am inspired, intrigued, facinated and curious about the most random things. Example: we were discussing monitors at work last week. The discussion revolved around resolution but dipped into 1080. Monitors are getting better than 1080, but there is still this 1080p vs 1080i question in my head. So I immediately began research on the difference between p and i. First reaction, “What are you doing?” response, “looking up the difference of 1080p and 1080i” “why, everyone knows p is better” response, “but why is p better. Why does everyone only know that aspect of the argument?” So I reseached it. P stands for progressive scan. All pixels are constantly updating with the proper image. I stands for interlaced. This is how old tube tv’s worked. First the odd lines flashed followed rapidly by the even lines (hence why if you videotape a screen you can see these scrolling lines. It’s too fast for the human eye). 1080 can be converted by the tv to 540 and it can handle it better. LCD never needs this interlaced and we could move onto progressive. And now I know.

For some reason this kind of thing is always happening to me. I end up researching something everyone knows about but that no one cares to really know the background to. Thank you for the useless knowledge I build. Miramar is hosting their annual airshow this weekend. Did you know that a barrel roll is a loop and what we know as a barrel roll is a aileron roll. Thank you Starfox for teaching children wrong.

I was watching Angels and Demons today. I have read the book and that delve into the illuminati is really cool. In fact going into that old science of earth, air, fire and water is really inspirational to me. I even applaud questioning of America's past and even the consideration that Washington D.C. is a continuation of Rome.

No matter what religion you are I always think it is a good idea to provoke questioning and pushing the limits of ideas pressed upon you. I was raised Catholic and I have never stopped questioning the faults that Christianity has made. I have had a similar discussion with someone of Mormon faith and I would love to continue with other religions. We are past the age where the sun was pulled across the sky by a chariot. Let modern religion support scientific progression. Furthermore, the further you progress into science the more you see god in everything. NASA can trek to the depths of space, but it still is so never-ending. CERN can find smaller and smaller but that is too never-ending. The search for god and our purpose is never-ending. Simple.

Time to lay back and watch the sky, because that is one of my favorite things to do. Observe nature and it's awesomeness.